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Due to inertia and non-conflict an ineffective coordination prevails thus there will be gradual decline in the organisational health and thus entropy is triggered in the organisation.

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Q: What is entropy in system development?
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What is the measure of disorder and randomness?

Entropy is the measure of system randomness.

Is the tendency of a system to become more disordered?

Assuming this is a chemistry question... The entropy of the system increases, as entropy is considered a measure of randomness of a chemical system. The universe favors entropy increases.

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How does the entropy of a system change for condensation of water?

The entropy is lower.

According to the second law of thermodynamics does entropy increase in a cold system?

That depends on what you mean by "cold" system. Entropy in any system can do one of three things: increase, decrease, or remain constant. If the system is closed, then entropy will only ever increase. If the system is open, entropy within it can do any of the three, provided there is a corresponding change in entropy outside the system (energy must come from or go to somewhere to effect an entropy change). The absolute amount of energy in the system makes no difference to the entropy of it. It is whether you have an open or closed system that counts.

What is randomness or chaos in chemistry?

The amount of disorder/randomness of a system is called the entropy of the system.

Is there anyway to decrease the entropy?

Only by increasing the entropy of another system.

When the entropy does not remains constant?

The entropy does not remains constant if the system is not isolated.

What happens to the entropy of gas as it is heated?

In a closed system the entropy is constant.

What is meant by entropy?

Entropy is a measure of the amount of disorder a system has. More accurately the amount of work that can be extracted from a system. The more entropy a system has the less work that can be done. 1kg of steam at 500 degrees can do lots more work than a kilo of warm water. Entropy always increases in a closed system. Entropy is why everything eventually breaks down.

Can you decrease the entropy if yes then how and if not then why?

You cannot reduce entropy because entropy increases (Second Law of Thermodynamics), if you could, we could have perpetual motion. When work is achieved energy is lost to heat. The only way to decrease the entropy of a system is to increase the entropy of another system.

What does the second law of thermodynamic say about entropy?

The entropy of the universe is increasing