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drama is an act. the element of drama is paper or script, actor or player and stage
Drama is the script of a work intended to be performed such as a play, a film, or a video. It is acted out rather than narrated. The Elements of Drama, according to Aristotle's Poetics, are Plot, Character, Thought, Diction, Song, and Spectacle. There are enough terms of drama to fill a gazetteer.

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Q: What is drama and elements of a drama and terms of drama?
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The elements of drama are:CharacterPlotThemeDialogueConventionGenreAudienceStagecraftDesignConversionsSome have been taught hat there were only 6 elements of least only six from Aristotle. They are as follows.PlotCharacterThemeDialogue/DictionMusic/RhythmSpectacle

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*are The technical elements of Drama include the Scenery, or set, the Costumes, the Props, the Lights, the Sound Effects and the Makeup.

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because if there is no element in drama, it is useless to read