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Computer Hardware consists of the physical components that make up a computer. Some examples are and Microprocessor, a Hard Drive, or a Motherboard.

Computer Software consists of applications or programs that the user runs on a computer, such as a word processor or a video game.

An Operating System is a specific piece of software that allows other software to manipulate computer hardware to achieve a desired effect. Some Operating Systems are Microsoft Windows, Unix/Linux, or Apple OS

Basically the three interact as follows:

Hardware <-> Operating System <-> Software

(<-> specifies an interaction between two components.)

In addition computer hardware deal with different devices that interact into the computer software then it show the capacity and data of the applications while the operating system it is the combination of performance which spreadout to access each other components.

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15y ago

Computer software is so called to distinguish it from computer hardware, which encompasses the physical interconnections and devices required to store and execute (or run) the software. At the lowest level, software consists of a machine language specific to an individual processor. A machine language consists of groups of binary values signifying processor instructions which change the state of the computer from its preceding state. Software is an ordered sequence of instructions for changing the state of the computer hardware in a particular sequence. It is usually written in high-level programming languages that are easier and more efficient for humans to use (closer to natural language) than machine language. High-level languages are compiled or interpreted into machine language object code. Software may also be written in an assembly language, essentially, a mnemonic representation of a machine language using a natural language alphabet. Assembly language must be assembled into object code via an assembler.

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14y ago

The relationship is they all support the hard drive in a way that is apparent to the system composts

some people think that the software controls the applications, but the same connections could be used with the hard drive, because the applications that control the system is all reliant to the cost and exploration of a system.
the memory of the u-drive is also the same as the soft drive. so you will need to drink lost of memory into that jugular of yours.

i hope this helps awnser your question.
northwest hardcore.

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10y ago

Hardware is all the physical parts of the computer. That even includes storage media. So diskettes, CD's, and memory sticks are also hardware, just like the PC itself.

Software and data are the invisible representation of computer instructions and ideas. The information that is stored on storage media is software. Even the instructions in the system's ROM BIOS are software. The chip itself is hardware, while the information inside the chip is software.

Software is stored on hardware, and software is required to make hardware work in meaningful ways.

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11y ago

A Deep Relationship between Hardware and Software..

The Main Relationship is Software that is control the Hardware Units.

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13y ago

The computer software tells the hardware what to do. Without the hardware, the software would not exist. Without the software, the hardware would be useless.

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13y ago

The software of a computer is the programs on the computer, for example a word processor. The hardware of a computer are the physical parts of the computer, for example the mouse.

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operating system

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Operating systems software manages the hardware on your computer, and provides an interface between the user- or application software, and the computer hardware.

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An operating system runs common services for computer programs and manages the computer hardware resources. An operating system is necessary to run application programs.

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The operating system (OS) controls the hardware. A successful computer system will have hardware and an operating system. Application software is not required. All operating systems have a low level, or machine language to run the operation system and control all hardware.

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The relationship between an application program and the underlying hardware is usually shown in the form of a stack of layers as shown below: # Application # Application Programming Interface (API) # Operating System # Device Driver # Hardware Most applications need to know how to talk to the operating system - which is why the operating system will provide a set of programming libraries knows as APIs or SDKs (Software Development Kits) for programmers to use when writing applications. The APIs sit between the operating system and the running application. The running application relies on the API to perform essential tasks on the computer by telling the operating system what it wants to do - which is why a program that is written to use Windows Vista APIs will not run on an Apple Mac without some kind of emulation or help. Because there are so many different pieces of hardware, it would be impossible for an operating system to support them all (especially the lesser known devices). That's why hardware manufacturers will write device drivers for different operating systems, so the operating system knows how to talk to the hardware.

What makes a computer work?

Hardware - the physical components, both internal and external, that make up a computer. Operating System - a set of computer programs that manages the hardware of a computer. An operating system controls the resources on a computer, including memory and disk storage. An example of an operating system is Windows XP. Application Software - programs loaded on the computer to perform a specific function using the capabilities of the computer. An example of application software is a word processor or a computer game

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Operating software is also called as system software which is developed for operating especially computer hardware whereas application software is designed to help users to do spicific tasks very easily.

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The operating system communicates to the computer hardware using the GUI program.

Where is the operating system stored on the computer?

An operating system (OS) is a collection of software that manages computer hardware resources and provides common services for computer programs. The operating system is a vital component of the system software in a computer system. Application programs require an operating system to function. For hardware functions such as input and output and memory allocation, the operating system acts as an intermediary between programs and the computer hardware . The most popular and latest ones include the Windows XP, Mac, UNIX, Linux, Windows Vista, etc.

Why are operating systems important?

An operating system (OS) is a set of programs that manage computer hardware resources and provide common services for application software. The operating system is the most important type of system software in a computer system. A user cannot run an application program on the computer without an operating system, unless the application program is self booting.Time-sharing operating systems schedule tasks for efficient use of the system and may also include accounting for cost allocation of processor time, mass storage, printing, and other resources.For hardware functions such as input and output and memory allocation, the operating system acts as an intermediary between application programs and the computer hardware,[1][2] although the application code is usually executed directly by the hardware and will frequently call the OS or be interrupted by it. Operating systems are found on almost any device that contains a computer-from cellular phones and video game consoles to supercomputers and web servers.