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Caramari is a food that is made from squid that is native to Greek, Spainish, and Italian cuisines.
Calamari is squid that is prepared in a variety of ways. In restaurants, it is typically served breaded and fried.

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βˆ™ 8y ago
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βˆ™ 13y ago

As I understand it, many different species of Squid are used for the Italian named dish "Calamari." Sepioteuthis australis,is what they often catch in the south, andSepioteuthis lessoniana is what they usually catch up North America.

I've just stated buying my own fresh and frozen baby squid from my local east Asian grocery, and I love adding them to my noodle soups!

Check out the flavors of cuttlefish and baby rice crab also if you are interested!

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βˆ™ 14y ago

calimari is only squid.......not octopus.

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βˆ™ 13y ago

it is light brown i know this description is not good but calamari is

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βˆ™ 14y ago

Calamari is fried squid. The whole thing.

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βˆ™ 15y ago

yes yes

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Q: Does calamari refer to both squid and octopus?
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How is a squid like a octopus?

They both have tenticles

Is squid and octopus the same?

Both are Coleoidea, which are grouped by their number of tentacles: Squid (Decapodiformes) have 10 while octopus (Octopodiformes) have 8.

Are calamari kosher foods?

Calamari (squid) is not kosher. The only kosher seafood are fish that have both fins and scales. See Leviticus 11:10 and Deuteronomy 14:10.

Can Jews eat calamari?

No. Calamari is squid. The Bible says, in Leviticus 11:9-12 and Deuteronomy 14:9-10, that the only permitted seafood are fish that have both fins and scales. That rules out all shellfish and crustacians. So. no to squid and no to lobster.

Is squid and octopus the same thing?

No, but they are closely related. They both are cephalopods that live in the sea.

Which animal is most closely related animal to the squid?

The squid and the cuttlefish. Wikipedia has more information, and a link is provided.

What do cuttlefish and squids have that octopus lacks?

octopuses has no outer or inner shellwhereas both squid and cuttlefish has one

Do squid have 3 hearts?

A squid gives both his hearts to adventure leaving him with no hearts at all.

Are octopus and squid the same thing?

They are not the same at all. Squid have for example red blood awhile octopuses have blue blood. They are categorized in a whole different species. Though they do look almost the same they are still not. Squid can be found in deeper depths than octopuses, and they don't have the same behaviors.

What are some similarities between an octopus and a squid?

both eat fish both have eight tentacles both have a bag like body both ink and both live in water

Is an octopus a carnivore or an omnivore?

Depending on what an Omnivore is, (an animal that eats plants) or a carnivore (animals which eats meat) An octopus eats both. most likely plants so an Omnivore.