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Beau visage

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Q: What is beautiful face when translated from English to french?
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What is 'eat it 'in French And also is this right sentence for this lave ton face wash your face?

The sentence "eat it" in English can be translated to "manger" into French.

Vous you manquez avec votre visage sublime?

The sentence contains a mixture of French and English. The word "you" in the sentence is not French.The rest of the sentence means "you miss [you] with your beautiful face". If the English "you" can be replaced with vous, the sentence would be something like "you miss your beautiful face", but the French is not well-written.

What is 'beautiful faces' when translated from English to Italian?

Bella faccia and bel viso are Italian equivalents of the English phrase "beautiful face." Birthplace and personal preference determine whether "beautiful face" (case 1) or "beautiful countenance" or "beautiful visage" (example 2) suits. The respective pronunciations will be "BEL-la FAT-tcha" and "bel VEE-zo" in Pisan Italian.

What is the word face when translated from Greek to English?

The word face translated from Greek to English is still face. There are some languages that have words that are very interchangeable face is one of those words.

What is the phrase 'face to face' when translated from English to Spanish?

cara a cara

What is 'face' when translated from English to Italian?

Faccia, volto

How do you say beautiful faces in french?

Beau visage= Beautiful Face

What is the word face when translated from English to Japanese?

顔 (kao)

What is 'handsome face' when translated from English to Italian?

Faccia bello

What is 'Il est temps de faire face au Facebook' when translated from French to English?

"It's time to confront Facebook" is an English equivalent of the French phrase Il est temps de faire face au Facebook. The pronunciation will be "ee-ley taw duh fer fa-so feys-book" in French.

What is 'grêle' when translated from French to English?

"la grêle" (feminine noun) is hail or hailstorm in English; 'il grêle' (from verb grêler) means that it is hailing. "un visage grêlé" is a pockmarked face, "le grêlé" means "the person with a pockmarked face".

What is 'face powder' when translated from English to French?

Poudre is a French equivalent of the English phrase "face powder." The pronunciation of the feminine singular word -- which may be preceded by the feminine singular definite (la, "the") or indefinite (de la, "some") articles or succeeded by the parenthetical explanations de riz ("of rice") or maquillage ("make-up") -- will be "pood" in more northerly French and "poo-druh" in more southerly French.