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Calcium has atomic number of 20, an atomic weight of 40.078 and an mass numbers of 40 - 48 inclusive in its isotopes. Atomic number is the count of protons in the nucleus. Mass number is the count of protons plus neutrons.

The question refers to Atomic Mass rather than atomic weight.

Atomic mass normally refers to the mass of a specific isotope of an element and is related to the mass number. Atomic weight ( or relative atomic mass as it is termed by IUPAC) the average mass of naturally occurring isotopes of an element.

The relationship between mass number and atomic mass is defined in terms of the Atomic mass unit which is in simple terms 1/12 of the mass of a 12C atom.

If you need to find out more about the relationship between mass number and and atomic mass you need to read the article "atomic mass unit" in wikipedia.

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