

What is aquatic snail?

Updated: 3/12/2020
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14y ago

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A snail that lives in water.

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Q: What is aquatic snail?
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Is an aquatic snail a decomposer or primary consumer?

An Aquatic Snail is an Decomposer

What is a snail from the water called?

The proper name for a water snail is an aquatic snail.

What do a snail feed on?

snails eat algae and aquatic plants

How long can an aquatic snail last without food?

i ddont know

Where does a shell come from?

A living aquatic creature such as a snail, clam, or mollusk.

How do you make a aquatic biosphere?

you would use a bottle and fill it with a live aquatic plant, weter fleas, a snail, and rocks for the bottom.

Where do you buy an apple snail?

From a local petstore that also sells fish and aquatic life

What are 3 consumers in an aquatic ecosystem?

secondary consumer's and primary consumer's

What is the gestion for a water snail?

Gestation is not the right word here, but that's ok. Most freshwater aquatic snail eggs will hatch in 2-4 weeks depending on species and temperature.

How do you make a aquator?

you would use a bottle and fill it with a live aquatic plant, weter fleas, a snail, and rocks for the bottom.

Can snails have babies?

Yes, if you are referring to a snails ability to give birth to live young. Also know as being ovoviviparous. The freshwater aquatic snail commonly named Japanese mystery snail or Chinese trapdoor snail, (Cipangopaludina chinensis) reproduces this way.

You have had one mystery snail for a few months and you just found an egg sack how did one snail reproduce?

it must have mated with another snail at the hatchery or pet store. Mystery snails (Pomacea bridgesii),like many other speciese of aquatic snails, can hold the sperm from mating and fertilize the eggs that are still in the snail.