

What is another traits name also known as offspring?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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Q: What is another traits name also known as offspring?
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Related questions

Are traits passed from offspring to parents?

yup! they are passed through deoxyribonucleic acid also known as DNA. DNA is passed down through reproduction.

For a codominant traiit do the offspring of identical parents always look like the parent why?

No, the offspring of identical parents would not always look like the parents because everyone has dominant and recessive traits, where the recessive traits do not show but is still in DNA. That said, recessive traits not shown in parents can be passed on as dominant traits to offspring - making offspring not always identical to its parents. (this is also called genetic variation)

What passes on traits to offspring?

What passes traits to it's offspring is the dominant genes that over power the non dominant genes. Whether there are more dominant genes also depends a lot on who the other mate is.

Do inherited traits and adaptations determine survival and reproduction?

Yes, due to natural selection and survival of the fittest only the best traits get passed on the offspring to assure survival. The ones with the best genes will also be able to produce more offspring

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What does a animal breeder do?

An animal breeder breeds endangered species and also studies genetic codes to produce offspring with certain traits and characteristics.

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Answered by Leco:go to :]

What is the definition of cattle traits?

Cattle traits means, the characteristics that cattle posses. These traits are what cattle are known for or why the produce the way that they do. For example, Texas longhorns are known for their horn size, this is a trait. Holsteins are known for high milk production, this is also a trait.

How do Parents pass their traits to their offspring?

No. Traits developed during a parents life time are acclamations to the immediate environment and are not heritable. Only mutations in the germ line, recombination in the germ line are heritable.

What are alleles and what are the two forms?

They are traits that are passed on from parent to offspring. There are also two types of alleles; Dominant and recessive.

What is a offspring of a nabarlek called?

The nabarlek is a type of wallaby, and therefore a marsupial. It is also known as theLittle Rock wallaby. The young of all marsupials are known as "joeys". Thus, the offspring of a nabarlek is called a joey.

The traits of substances that can be observed or measured without changing their chemical identity?

The traits of those substances would be physical traits, also known as physical properties.