

Best Answer

Second hand . . . 360 degrees per minute

Minute hand . . . 360 degrees per hour

Hour hand . . . 360 degrees per 12 hours = 30 degrees per hour

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Q: What is angular speed of second hand mint hand and hour hand calculated angular velocity?
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What is Difference between angular velocity and angular speed?

Angular velocity is a vector with a direction and angular speed is a scalar with no direction.

What is an angular speed of a rotating body?

Angular velocity is given as radians per second; angular speed is also the same thing. Velocity is a vector with magnitude and direction and speed a scalar with magnitude only. The magnitude is identical; velocity will define the direction of rotation ( clockwise or counterclockwise).

What does angular mean?

Angular momentum is an expression of an objects mass and rotational speed. Momentem is the velocity of an object times its mass, or how fast something is moving times how much it weighs. Therefore angular momentum is the objects mass times the angular velocity where angular velocity is how fast something is rotating expressed in terms like revolutions per minute or radians per second or degrees per second.

What is angular momentum?

Angular momentum is an expression of an objects mass and rotational speed. Momentem is the velocity of an object times its mass, or how fast something is moving times how much it weighs. Therefore angular momentum is the objects mass times the angular velocity where angular velocity is how fast something is rotating expressed in terms like revolutions per minute or radians per second or degrees per second.

Is angular speed a vector?

Scalar. Angular frequency vector is roughly synonymous with angular velocity.

What is angular speed and angular velocity?

That is analogous to linear speed and velocity, but for rotation. Whereas a linear speed (or velocity) is expressed in meters per second (or some other units of distance / time), the angular speed or velocity is expressed in radians / second (or some other units of angle / time). Of course, when something rotates, there is also a linear speed, but different parts of an object rotate at different linear speeds, whereas the angular speed is the same for all parts of a rotating object - at least, in the case of a solid object. For example: the Earth rotates at an angular speed of 1 full rotation / day. The linear speed at the equator is approximately 1667 km/hour; close to the poles, the linear speed is much less.

What is angular velocity in physics?

It means how fast something rotates. Rather than taking the linear speed (meters per second, or some other common unit of speed), the angular velocity is specified in radians per second, degrees per second, revolutions (full turns) per minute, or something similar. By this definition, each part of a solid, rotating object rotates at the same angular speed.

Consists of an objects speed and direction?

angular velocity

Which of the clock arm rotates are constat speed or constant velocity?

Ignoring the fact that some clocks "jump", for example once a second, each of the three arms moves at constant angular velocity. The speed, in this case, is constant; the velocity is not since the direction changes. On the other hand, sometimes people use a vector to describe an angular velocity. Angular momentums add nicely with vector representation.

What is the formula in getting centripetal force and it's net horizontal force?

One formula for centripetal force is v2/2 - the square of the velocity (speed, actually) divided by the radius. Another is omega2r, where omega is the angular speed, in radians/second.One formula for centripetal force is v2/2 - the square of the velocity (speed, actually) divided by the radius. Another is omega2r, where omega is the angular speed, in radians/second.One formula for centripetal force is v2/2 - the square of the velocity (speed, actually) divided by the radius. Another is omega2r, where omega is the angular speed, in radians/second.One formula for centripetal force is v2/2 - the square of the velocity (speed, actually) divided by the radius. Another is omega2r, where omega is the angular speed, in radians/second.

What are the practical applications of Angular Speed Angular Displacement Angular Velocity and Angular Momentum?

These are used in lots of engineering problems related to rotation.

With constant velocity the disc rotates at a constant speed?
