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Internal and external? 4real

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Q: What is an adjustment to internal and external physical structures?
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What is the study of internal and external structure of the body and the physical relationship among body parts?

1. is the study of internal and external structures of the body and the physical relationships among body parts.

How are the eyes examined during an annual physical?

The external structures are observed. The internal structures can be observed using an ophthalmoscope (a lighted instrument) in a darkened room.

How are the sinuses examined during a physical?

The external nose is examined. The nasal mucosa and internal structures can be observed with the use of a penlight and a nasal speculum.

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How are external physical properties controlled by atomic structures?

none of your business!

What protects and covers internal structures?

Question too vague. Resubmit. Are you thinking about physical structures or mechanical ?

Are ribs internal or external to the pulmonary area?

External. They are like a cage that protects the lungs from physical damage.

Is camouflage a structural or behavioral adaptation?

Structural, because structural adaptation is adjustments to internal or external physical structures (texture color etc.). Camouflage is any coloring shape or pattern that allows an organism to blend in.

What are the two types of conflict?

External and internal, also called physical and mental

Two types of conflict are what?

External and internal, also called physical and mental

Is the color purple an internal or an external conflict?

The color purple is neither an internal nor an external conflict. It is a physical attribute with no direct association to conflicts in literature or storytelling.

What is the difference between Internal Styles and External Styles in Martial Arts?

There are many differences between external and internal marital arts. One difference is that external marital arts focuses on the physical abilities while internal martial arts focuses on the Chi energy of a person.