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It is a statment or allegationsubmitted before the court levelling charges at a person.

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Q: What is an accusatory pleading?
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How do you use a sentence using the term accusatory pleading?

ANSWER: "I will pick up the spilled milk if you will stop whinning, but if someone standing by it, maybe you, hadn't spilled it in the first place I wouldn't have to clean it up!" ----

What was the accusatory jury?

the jury serves an accusatory function

What does accusatory mean?

The prosecutor glared at the witness and questioned her in an accusatory tone.

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They had a slightly accusatory note that I could never quite put my finger on.

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Type your answer here... "I believe you stole the wallet", she stated, in a very accusatory tone.

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How do you optain a copy of a accusatory

Is this question accusatory?

No, it is inquisitorial. And impertinent too.

How did Hector respond to the pleading of his parents?

It isnÕt clear how Hector responded to the pleading of his parents. Since we donÕt know who Hector is and why his parents were pleading with him and what they were pleading for.

Can you put the word pleading into a sentence?

In a sense you are pleading for an answer.

What is an accusatory question?

A question that challenges ones innocence.