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Starch is made ofalpha glucose. You have an enzyme to spit this bond. Cellulose is made up of polymer of beta glucose. Human can not digest cellulose. There are many advantages of this to human as it gives bulk to the feces. It prevents cancer of large intestine. Which is common in non-veg diet eating people. They should eatIsabgolpowder in there diet. Take 2 to 4 teaspoonful in glass add sugar to test. Then add water or milk and drink 'immediately' after mixing the same. Otherwise, you have to 'eat' large quantity of it. To be fallowed by glass of water after some time.

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11y ago

Glucose (/ˈɡluːkoʊs/ or /-koʊz/; C6H12O6, also known as D-glucose, dextrose, or grape sugar) is a simple monosaccharide found in plants. It is one of the three dietary monosaccharides, along with fructose and galactose, that are absorbed directly into the bloodstream during digestion. An important carbohydrate in Biology, cells use it as the primary source of energy[1] and a metabolic intermediate. Glucose is one of the main products of photosynthesis and fuels for cellular respiration. Glucose exists in several different molecular structures, but all of these structures can be divided into two families of mirror-images (stereoisomers). Only one set of these isomers exists in nature, those derived from the "right-handed form" of glucose, denoted D-glucose. D-glucose is sometimes referred to as dextrose, although the use of this name is strongly discouraged. The term dextrose is derived from dextrorotatory glucose.[2] This name is therefore confusing when applied to the enantiomer, which rotates light in the opposite direction. Starch and cellulose are polymers derived from the dehydration of D-glucose. The other stereoisomer, called L-glucose, is hardly ever found in nature.

The name "glucose" comes from the Greek word glukus(γλυκύς), meaning "sweet", and is the preferred name. The suffix "-ose" denotes a sugar.

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Glycogen is made of alpha glucose molecules. It becomes more compact due to its amlopectin form which allows it to bonded together in 1-4 and 1-6 glycosidic linkages.

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Q: Is starch made of alpha or beta glucose?
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How does dietar fiber differ chemically from starch?

Fibers are made up of cellulose consisting of beta glucose molecules.Starch is made up of alpha glucose molecules.

How does glucose differ from sucrose and cellulose and starch?

Glucose is a monosaccharide (A single sugar 'unit'). It has 6 carbons and is an aldohexose.Sucrose is a dissaccharide. Meaning it is made up of two monosaccharide units. These units are a cyclic Glucose and a cyclic Fructose.Cellulose and Starch are both polysaccharides. Made up of many many individual sugar units or monomers. You can say they are sugar polymers.Starch is a glucose polymer. The two principal forms Amylose and Amylopectin are made up of alpha-D-Glucose monomers connected via alpha-1,4-glycosidic linkages.Cellulose is also a glucose polymer. But has alternating beta-D-Glucose monomers connected via a beta-1,4-glycosidic link.Important note regarding starch vs cellulose, is that most animal (including humans) have an enzyme to hydrolyze starch (or cleave the alpha-glycosidic linkages) but not enzyme for the beta-link in cellulose. Therefore we can not digest cellulose as a energy source.In short. Glucose: a monosaccharide. Sucrose: dissaccharide. Starch and Cellulose: Polysaccharides.

Are big starch molecules made up of little glucose molecules?

there are a large number of glucose molecules in starch.

What are two plant chemicals made from glucose?

Starch (mixture of amylose and amylopectine) and cellulose both are poly-glucosides: the first is an alpha-glucoside, the second is a beta-glucoside

What is the component of starch?

Starch is a storage polysaccharide made of glucose (joined together by a 1-4 alpha glycosidic bond).

Why do glycogen starch and cellulose have different functions?

starch: made up of a long chain of glucose molecules bonded together by an alpha 1,4 bond. (carbon 1 of one glucose is bonded to carbon 4 of another glucose) Cellulose: made up of a long chain of glucose molecules bonded together by a beta 1,4 bond. (carbon 1 of one glucose is bonded to carbon 4 of another glucose) glycogen: made up of a long chain of glucose bonded together by an alpha 1,4 bond. However, the glycogen chain of glucoses is a branched chain- it is not one straight chain, it branches out starch is stored as glucose in plants glycogen is stored as glucose in animals cellulose is used as the cell wall of plants

What are the three common simple sugars in your diet?

The three most common monosaccharides in one's diet are most likely glucose (both the alpha and beta isomers), galactose, and fructose. These sugars make up three common diasaccharides: Maltose, Lactose and Sucrose Maltose (malt sugar) is made from 2 alpha glucoses (linked via an alpha glycosidic bond) Lactose (milk sugar) is made from galactose and beta glucose (linked via a beta glycosidic bond) Sucrose (table sugar) is made from alpha glucose and fructose (linked via an alpha glycosidic bond.)

What is the simplest form of starch?

The two components of starch are amylose and amylopectin. Amylose is a straight chain molecule made of glucose molecules joined by alpha 1-4 links. Amylopectin is a branched molecule made of glucose joined by alpha 1-4 links, with branches joined by alpha 1-6 links.

What happens when starch boiled?

Starch is energy for our body, glucose can not be stored so it is stored as starch, but before this starch can be used as energy to our body, it must be turned back into glucose, this is done by amylase, it breaks down the starch back into glucose so it can be used.

What is the monomer of the polymer starch?

If starch is the polymer, then the monomer is glucose, which is a monosaccharide. Starch is a polysaccharide that is made up of glucose molecules.

What kind of carbohydrates are mashed potatoes?

Potatoes contain a lot of starch. Starch is a polysaccharide made from alpha glucose chains. It can be helical like amylose or branched like amylopectin.

How does the structure of starch make it suitable for its function?

its made up of many small sub units of alpha glucose so it can break down to provide energy/ glucose to be respired