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Q: What is advantages and disadvantages for Biomass Hydroelecric Nuclear Solar Hydrogen and Wind Power?
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How does biomass save energy?

im learning about biomass energy in earth science and I have a project and I still don't understand the advantages and disadvantages can I please get help

Is it possible to get hydrogen fuel from biomass?

Yes. However, it is not yet economically practical, as it takes more energy to convert the biomass into hydrogen than we can get from using the hydrogen for fuel.

What is a disadvantage of using biomass?

There are a few disadvantages of using biomass energy. Some of the disadvantages include the cost, use of fossil fuels, and environmental hazards.

What is the primary of biomass?


What are the Advantages of bio mass?

Biomass is renewable.

What Word equations represent burning of carbon and hydrogen?


What are some of the advantages of biopower?

advantages of biomass energy is that it 1. can be found almost everywhere and 2. it is cheap

What are the advantages of coal and oil and natural gas and nuclear power and biomass and wind and hydropower and geothermal and solar resources?

The advantages of them all is that they produce electricity, which the whole world needs to support our lifestyle.The disadvantages of the first three is that they are polluting and expensive.The greater advantages of all the renewable energy sources (solar, wind, hydro, tidal and wave, biomass and geothermal) is that they are free, renewable, and don't emit carbon dioxide (CO2) pollution which is causing global warming.

Plants and trees grow nearly everywhere This is one of the advantages of energy?


What are some vocab words associated with hydrogen?

biomass, fuel cells, fusion, electrylosis

What are the advantages or disadvantages of biomass?

things can soak through it

What are the advantages of biomass energy?

it does away with garbage and keeps it out of landfills. however it causes pollution