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"ducats", hip-hop slang for $

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13y ago

Dosh, dollar.

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Q: What is a slang word for money that starts with d?
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What is a four letter word that means a girl is gay that starts with the letter d?

The word is dyke. Invented originally as a derogatory slang, it has been adopted by some lesbians to identity themselves as homosexual.

What word starts with d and means a noise?

A word that starts with "d" and means a loud noise is din.

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A word for headless that starts with the letter D might be decapitated.

Is there a bad word that starts with D?

My grandmother would never say "damn". In fact, she even used to avoid "damage". "dip shit" is an insult. "dick" is slang for penis. "douche" and "douche bag" can be offensive to some as is "dork". "dyke" is slang for lesbian and is considered a bad word by some.

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Word that starts with d and ends with e?

Easy, i hope this will satisfy your needs dance is a word starts with d and ends with e

What seven letter word starts with D and ends with T?

A seven letter word that starts with D and ends with T: decrypt

What does greek word poutsa mean?

It's a slang word which means " d i c k "

What math word starts with the letter d?

denominator is a math term that starts with the letter d. the denominator is the bottom hafe of a fraction.

What word starts with D and means cloth?

How about the word: duster

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Something you do that starts with f?

Freak out ;D find money