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the student retorted to the teacher that there is no when her teacher says accidentally that there is garbage under your desk and pick i up.

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Q: What is a sentence with the word retorted?
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What is a good sentence using the word retorted?

I retorted with my teacher, Mrs.Webb.

How do you use the word Retorted in a sentence?

Mama Ike quickly retorted " we are in mourning no-one has had time to cook.

A sentence with the word retort?

You sound mad. *He quickly retorted to her raised voice, his eyebrows knitting together in a frown.

A good sentence with the word flattery?

With a smirk on her face, the girl retorted, "Flattery will get you nowhere, you cretin!" then she stalked off with a shake of her head.

Retorted in a sentence?

" I really do not care what you think" she retorted,with a toss of her head she walked out the door.

Is the word retorted a noun?

No.* A retort is a noun. * To retort is a verb. It is a regular verb and the past tense is formed by adding '-ed' to the verb. * retorted is the past tense form of the verb 'retort'.e.g. "You have no right to say that," she retorted.

What word means sharply replied?

"Retorted" is a word that means to sharply reply or respond.

How do you use retorted in a sentence?

Why did he retort ? He is such a nice person after all! How did he Retort?

What does retorted means?

Retorted means to reply in like a snotty or sharp way.

How did zebras become black and white?

They are retorted looking animals but not more retorted than an balraj

What is the prefix of retorted?


What are some example sentences for retort?

"Why are you so mean," retorted Louise.She had to get one last retort in before she stormed out of the room.