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Anchor rode, safety line or a mooring line.

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Q: What is a rope attached to yacht called as?
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What is a rope attach to a yacht's anchor called?

An anchor is attached to a boat or vessel by a "Rode" it could consist of rope, chain ,cable, or some kind of line, and can be used in any combination.There is also another term for this and they are called "Hawsers.Also consider mooring linesa rodeJust called an anchor line. However, the last section of the line, attached to the yacht is known as the 'bitter end'

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What is a rope attached to a yachts anchor called?

An anchor is attached to a boat or vessel by a "Rode" it could consist of rope, chain ,cable, or some kind of line, and can be used in any combination.There is also another term for this and they are called "Hawsers.Also consider mooring linesa rodeJust called an anchor line. However, the last section of the line, attached to the yacht is known as the 'bitter end'

What is theRope attached to a yacht's anchor called?


Rope attach to a yacht's anchor?


What is a Spear like weapon attached to a rope to cach marine animals?

It is called a Harpoon.

Whats a rope attached to a yachts anchor called?

The rope (or "line" as we call it in the nautical world) is called the anchor line. However the the chain, shackle,gear & line that are attached between the actual anchor and the vessel is referred to as the "rode".

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The velvet rope is hooked onto something called a stanchion.

What is the front railings of a yacht Called?

the front railings of a yacht is called the bow

What is the reaction force to you pulling on a rope?

the force of tension in the rope, which is delivered to the object to which the opposite end of the rope is attached

What is a bellpull?

A bellpull is a rope which hangs to a bell, or a handle which is attached to a rope which rings a bell.

How do you control the ropes that control the sails otherwise known as sheets on a sail yacht?

On a typical sloop etc the headsails are controlled by winches,one to port and one to starboard. The mainsail is usually controlled by a rope block system attached to the boom