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St. Lucy has several attributed miracles to her. However, in life, she did not do any. In order to become a saint, one must have at least 2 attributed miracles. Two possible ones for St. Lucy include the famine of Syracuse, where the people of Syracuse prayed to St. Lucy to deliver them from a famine, and shortly thereafter, a ship bearing grain came to them. There is another miracle, however, what it is is not easily found

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1mo ago

Saint Lucy is often invoked for the miracle of restoring vision to those with eye ailments. There are also accounts of her miraculous intercession in healing illnesses and protecting people from harm, particularly during the persecution of Christians. Additionally, believers attribute miracles to her power of calming storms and preventing disasters.

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9y ago

A quote from Saint Lucy might include "You cannot bend my will to your purpose; whatever you do to my body, that cannot happen to me." Saint Lucy is a Catholic saint who lived in the 4th century.

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11y ago

St. Lucy's last words were,

"For the Holy Father! ... Our Lady, Our Lady,

Holy Angels, Heart of Jesus, Heart of Jesus!

We are going, we are going.

"To Heaven..."

With Our Lord ... Our Lady ... and the little Shepherds."

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8y ago

There are no quotes surviving from the life of Saint Lucy of Syracuse. Little reliable information is to be found in most of her hagiographies of Lucy as they have been so embellished over the years with things that did not happen..

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8y ago

Lucy was declared a saint long before the canonization process was in place that requires at least 2 post-mortem miracles for canonization. She was simply declared a saint based on her life of heroic virtue and martyrdom.

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12y ago

Those whose hearts are pure are temples of the holy spirit...... -St. Lucy

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9y ago

Lucy has several patronages but she is best known as being the great intercessor against blindness and diseases or disorders of the eye.

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Saint Lucy is said to have performed miracles such as restoring the sight of her mother and also predicting a famine in Syracuse, allowing the people to prepare in advance. She is also known for miraculously carrying food to Christians hiding in the catacombs during a famine.

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