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A lipid is fat. That's right, fat. Your blood contains fat, so the lipid count tells the fat content in your blood.

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Q: What is a lipid or a component of a lipid?
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Sugar is not a component of lipids but a component of carbohydrates.

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What is a lipid that is an important component of cells only in animal cells?

That lipid is cholesterol.It is found in cell membrane.

What is considered a component of lipid?

Fatty acid, glycerol.

What blood test shows the component parts of cholestero triglycerides and lipoprotiens?

Lipid profile

What is the component needed to synthesise a triglyceride?

one molecule of glycerine and three molecules of lipid acid

Is cell membrane a lipid?

Yes, the cell membrane is made out of a type of lipid called phospholipids. These have a phosphate group and a lipid tail. The phosphate head is polar and water-loving, the lipid tail is non-polar and hydrophobic (water-hating).

Which function does the lipid bilayer component of the plasma membrane NOT provide for the cell?

The functions that the lipid bilayer component of the cell membrane does not provide for the cell are controls that exchange of mater and chemical information between one cell and adjacent cells or environment. The lipid bilayer provides an impermeable, self sealing membrane capable of dividing or fusing the cell without breaking.

What is a phospholid?

a lipid containing a phosphate group in its molecule. are a class of lipids and major component of cell membranes.

Is water a lipid?

no, it is a nucleic acid. A nucleic acid is a component structure of DNA. This is totally unrelated to water. The answer is: water is a molecule of two hydrogen atoms and one oxygen atom. It is not a lipid.

What word is an insoluble compound that stores energy and is a component in cell membranes and is composed of mostly carbon and hydrogen?


What is the key structural component of a cell's membrane.?

Cell membranes are made of a lipid bilayer with various proteins interspersed.