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a kindly one is a furie AKA Eurinyes

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Q: What is a kindly one in the Lightning Thief?
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What does grover do when Percy ask about the kindly ones in the lightning thief book?

Gets angry at percy

Who was ms.dodds from lightning thief?

Yeah. She was one of the Furies (also known as the Kindly Ones). She was Percy's "pre-algebra teacher" in the sixth grade.

Are Zeus representeding the lighting thief?

No, Zeus is the one who the lightning thief stole the lightning from.

What are is the furies in The Lightning Thief?

The furies are like Hades' minions from the Underworld. They are supposed called the Kindly Ones because the names make them powerful.

What is the complication of the story The Lightning Thief?

The crisis in the Lightning Thief is when the bolt was stolen from Olympus, which led on to the beginning of the Lightning Thief's story.

Who attacks Percy at the beginning of The Lightning Thief?

At the beginning of the first book Percy gets attacked by his math teacher, Mrs. Dodds. She gets him into an empty room and turns into a Fury (a kindly one).

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What book is better between The Lightning Thief and the Alchemyst?

Lightning Thief

What is nerieds in The Lightning Thief?

the nerieds in the lightning thief are water spirits.

What started The Lightning Thief?

The author of the lightning thief is Rick Riordan

Who is the auother of Lightning Thief?

"The Lightning Thief" is written by Rick Riordan .

What is the problem in The Lightning Thief?

every one thinks that person took the lightning bolt