

How does the for loop work in c?

Updated: 8/10/2023
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15y ago

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  • For loop is "Counter controlled loop" i.e. a counter or control variable is used to process the for loop , as discussed in earlier chapters.
  • For loop is an "Entry controlled loop" i.e. the condition to iterate the loop must be check at the starting of the loop and loop body will not execute if the condition is False. Source website:

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12y ago
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15y ago

for(initialization; condition; end_action) {



* initialization - used to initialize variables (usually something like i = 0)

* condition - boolean expression; loop continues while expression is met

* end_action - action to perform at the end of the loop (usually something like i++)

* code - code to repeat Note that any of the above sections can be empty:


This is a valid code block which will do nothing and never finish.

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13y ago


Nested loop is loop inside the loop.


for(i =0;i<0x12;i++)


for(j= 0;j<0x20;j++)


// sample of nested loop



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12y ago

No limit, you may have as many loops (nested or separated) as you need.

You can use any or all of these:

1. while (exp) stmt

2. for (exp; exp; exp) stmt

3. do stmt while (exp);

4. LABEL; stmt ... goto LABEL

5. recursion

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9y ago

For loop, while loop, do while loop and goto loop.

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12y ago

In C: when inside a loop there is another loop

In other languages: when inside a loop there is another loop

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13y ago

This is used to enable the computer to execute a particular piece of code as many times as required without increasing the complexity of the source code, making it easier to read and maintain

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// Examples of five Loop structures in C# // Each one iterates over the characters in a string, and writes // them to the Console. string s = "This is a test"; // For Loop for (int i=0; i&lt;s.Length; i++) Console.Write (s[i]); // Foreach Loop foreach (char c in s) Console.Write (c); // While Loop int i=0; while (i&lt;s.Length) Console.Write(s[i++]); // Do Loop int j=0; do Console.Write(s[j++]) while j&lt;s.Length; // Spaghetti Code int k=0; loop: Console.Write(s[k++]); if (k&lt;s.Length) goto loop;