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The Bit , Normally near the start where there is a beat playin then it "Drops" into the Dubstep part

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Q: What is a drop in dubstep?
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What is the best Dubstep Bass Drop in a Dubstep Song And could anyone give me a list of the best Dubstep Songs that have the Best Bass Drops?

Dodge and Fuski: Python has a good drop. Also check out Centipede by Knife Party

Why do people always drop things?

Because of dubstep

What dubstep song says three two one before the drop?

Benga - Duel

Why Is Dubstep Called Dubstep?


What is real dubstep?

real dubstep is squeaky.

What is the difference between skrillex and dubstep?

Skrillex are not dubstep.

Can you make dubstep on an android?

no , unless there is an app for dubstep.

What was dubstep called before dubstep?

Breaks or Garage.

What is purple dubstep?

'Purple Dubstep' is a label used to describe some more melodic Dubstep... Joker for example

Did video games had dubstep before it was known as dubstep?

I Think Their Was

What is the name of Dubstep's newest CD?

the sound of dubstep 3

Are Skrillex and dubstep the same thing?

Skrillex is a DJ that makes good dubstep. dubstep is just filthy awesome electronic music