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Sonia Sotomayor was born in New York and is a US citizen by birth.

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Q: What is Sonia Sotomayor's citizenship status?
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What position does sonia sotomayor have?

Sonia Sotomayors is Associate Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States.

What are sonia sotomayors accomplishments?

Sonia Sotomayor graduated summa cum laude from Princeton University in 1976. She got her J.D. degree from Yale Law School. She was confirmed and served on the US Court of Appeals. In 2009 she became the first Hispanic justice on the US Supreme Court.

What is the minimum citizenship status required for a senator?

Nine years.

How will your legal resident status be affected if the senate legalizes illegal aliens will you be able to claim citizenship?

your existing legal resident status would not be affected by anybody , you can claim citizenship when you have the right to do so.

What is dual citizenship?

the status of an individual who is a citizen of two or more nations

What is the document called that confirms a citizens status as naturalized?

Certificate Of Citizenship.

What does citizenship in the community mean?

The Status of a citizen with its attendant rights, duties, and privilege's

What was the significant of the foraker act?

It granted Puerto Ricans partial US citizenship status

What is the citizenship status of Americans who live abroad?

child born abroad of american citizen

Does a child born to a visiter to Canada get citizenship if the parents are both from Pakistan?

yes the child can get citizenship of Canada eventhough he born for pakistanees.

How can a girl change citizenship after marriage?

Citizenship has nothing to do with marriage. A girl can change her citizenship status whenever she wants to provided that the laws of her country allow her to change citizenship. However she may have to provide sufficient proof to demonstrate her nae change after marriage.