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Q: What is Russia top secret state intelligence agency abbreviation?
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Russia top secret state intelligence agency is?


Soviet intelligentsia what is it?

The Soviet Intelligence Agency, the KGB, was both an Intelligence Agency and 'Secret Police'.

Is there an expert intelligence agency in the UK?

Yes. It is known as the Secret Intelligence Service (SIS) and informs the Queen of foreign intelligence. It is comparable to the US'S Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) that does the same for the President.

What is the secret service in south Africa?

It used to be know as NIS the National Intelligence Agency

Is there a British MI4?

No, there is no British MI4. The British intelligence agency commonly known as MI6 (Secret Intelligence Service) is responsible for foreign intelligence and counterintelligence operations. There is no official mention of an MI4 in the British intelligence community.

What secret service organization was accused of forging british passports for its agents?

Two agencies were accused of doing this in 2010. In March of 2010, Mossad, Israel's secret intelligence agency, was accused of cloning British passports when members of Mossad were sent to assassinate a Hamas militant in Dubai. In June of that same year, Russian spies from the SVR (Russia's foreign intelligence agency) were found to have forged British passports.

What is the KGB?

"Excerpt from Wikipedia:KGB is the Russian abbreviation of Committee for State Security, which was the official name of the umbrella organization serving as the Soviet Union's premier security agency, secret police, and intelligence agency, from 1954 to 1991."It might benoted that the KGB also was the premier "dirty tricks" agency, the premier recriuter of spies from western countries through threat and blackmail, and the premier murder agency employed against enemies of the Soviet regime ... wherever they may be ... Russia, Eastern or Western Europe, the USA ...

What is ISI if we talk about Pakistan?

It is the secret agency of Pakistan. ISI stands for Inter-Services Intelligence.

What is the Canadian secret service called?

Canada's secret service agency is called the Canadian Security Intelligence Service (CSIS for short).

What organization is James Bond belongs?

Fictitious secret agent James Bond works for MI6(Military Intelligence, Section 6), now known in real life as the SIS (Secret Intelligence Service). This is the agency responsible for Her Majesty's foreign intelligence.

Who is the boss in the M16 program?

The MI6 program does not have a specific boss. It is a British intelligence agency, also known as the Secret Intelligence Service (SIS), and its operations are overseen by a head known as the Chief of the Secret Intelligence Service.

Who has the best secret intelligence?

It is difficult to determine which country has the best secret intelligence, as this information is typically classified. Some countries known for having strong intelligence capabilities include the United States, Russia, China, and Israel. Each country's intelligence agencies have their own specialties and strengths.