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Q: What is Difference between the Contrast Guinea and the Sahel Savanna?
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What are the vegetation types of nigeria?

Nigerian's vegetation ranges from tropics in the south to Savannah in the north.

How can rainfall be induced in guinea savanna?

Rainfall can be induced in the Guinea Savannah by planting more vegetation cover.

Is there a difference between Guinea and New Guinea If so What?

The country of Guinea is located on the west coast of Africa ... New Guinea is an island in the Pacific Ocean.

What is the difference between male guinea pigs and females?

If you turn them over you will see a difference

What is the difference between a gerbil an guinea pig?

yes size

How do you tell the difference between guinea pig boy nipples and guinea pig girls nipples?

Boy guinea pigs don't have nipples.

What is the difference between guinea and sahel savana?

they come from they opposite side of Africa, Guinea comes from Guinea the sahel savana comes from Sahel

How can you tell the difference between a hamster and a ginypig?

guinea pigs are much larger

What is the difference between smooth fur and curly hair on a guinea pig?

A smooth haired guinea pig is called an abyssian and the curls on the guinea pig are called rosettes.

Does Nigeria have deserts?

Nigeria is a country in the western part of Africa located between the tropic of Cancer and north of the equator. It has 2 major types of vegetation, A rich tropical rain forest in the South and Savanna vegetation in central Nigeria and North. The savanna vegetation is further divided into 3 types, The Guinea savanna in central Nigeria, Sudan Savanna and the Sahel savannah.

What is the difference in appearance between guinea pigs hamsters and gerbils?

hamsters have been smaller than guinea pigs and gerbils look like squirrels but smaller

What is the difference between a satin and American guinea pig?

not much, they're just 2 different breeds i guess