

What is CGI?

Updated: 10/3/2023
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14y ago

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CGI (Computer Generated Imaging)
In movie, video, and imaging terms, Computer Generated Imaging is the art of partially or fully developing a video, movie, or image with one or multiple computers. CGI (Computer Generated Images)In context with the above, Computer Generated Images are images, videos, or movies made from the art of Computer Generated Imaging.

CGI (Common Gateway Interface)Common Gateway Interface is a standard for interfacing external applications with information servers, such as HTTP or Web servers. CGI programs may be written in any language, compiled or interpreted, that is supported by the hosting computer. The program is accessed either directly by URL, or included in an HTML page using Server-Side Includes. The output is sent to the client by the web (or other) server.

Common Gateway Interfaces may not exist if a web server does not allow one (as it can pose a security risk), or if a web server allows "desktop language" scripts to be ran anywhere on the server that the client can access.
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14y ago
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11y ago

The Common Gateway Interface (CGI) environment is a task or process created by the web server for the purpose of processing a request from a client application to the server software. It is one of several designs that were created over the course of server software development. CGI is a protocol that defines a number of features that facilitate dynamic web pages.

In the CGI environment, the standard input (stdin) is linked to the socket's input buffer, so that the data sent from the client to the CGI application is available for reading. The standard output (stdout) is linked to the socket's output buffer, so that data sent from the CGI application will be received by the client. The "environment variables" (variables defined by the operating system or other applications) will describe the state of the server to the CGI application, which is read using getenv(). Common CGI environment variables include PATH_INFO (the virtual directory that the script is running in), SCRIPT_NAME (the name of the file being executed), QUERY_STRING (the part of the URL after the ? but before the #), and so on.

CGI is still commonly used by non-modular scripting languages in Apache and ISS, but has fallen in favor of designs that promote parallel processing by creating fewer tasks/processes. This is because the cost of setting up and tearing down an environment in an operating system has high costs, and so reusing a scripting environment over and over again reduces the load on the server considerably.

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7y ago

CGI is Computer Generated Imagery .CGI has come a long way from very badly made monsters in the old movies to very realistic Real Time graphics using Dedicated GPU that process all the triangles used to make the graphic you see on screen. Playing games is becoming more and more realistic and special effects in movies are all because of CGI.
Superman flying and Hulk are all CGI.
CGI is used in modern day technology in your phones ,computers and Gaming Consoles.
Even Paul Walker's Face was mapped on his brother's face with use of CGI.
If you are fan of Ironman then you must be aware of that every component of that suit CGI.

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