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Ayn Rand's theory of art, known as Romantic Realism, values art that portrays a positive representation of human beings as heroic and admirable. She believed that art should focus on presenting an idealized vision of life and should serve as a celebration of the potential of individuals to achieve greatness. Rand argued that art should convey a sense of life's possibilities and inspire viewers to pursue their own values and ideals.

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12y ago

In a nutshell, Rand held that "art is a selective re-creation of reality according to an artist's [fundamental values]." Regarding the visual arts, She argued that abstract painting and sculpture are not art---in part because color, shape, texture, etc., are attributes of things in reality (humans, trees, the moon), not reality itself. Also, because on their own they are not intelligible, make no sense. Rand cited literature (fiction, drama) and music as the two other primary art forms (as opposed to performing arts). Her theory also excludes such postmodern, avant-garde forms as "conceptual art," "installation art ," and "performance art" from the realm of art.

- Louis Torres, Co-Editor, Aristos (An Online Review of the Arts), Co-Author, 'What Art Is: The Esthetic Theory of Ayn Rand' (2000)

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