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Manchi in Italian is "Miss you" in English.

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Q: What is 'Manchi' when translated from Italian to English?
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What is 'I miss you a lot' when translated from English to Italian?

Mi manchi molto! and Mi manchi tanto! are Italian equivalents of the English phrase "I miss you a lot!" The two declarations literally translate respectively as "You are lacking to me lots!" and "You are missing to me so much!" in English. The respective pronunciations will be "mee MAN-kee MOL-to" and "mee MAN-kee TAN-to" in Pisan Italian.

What is 'I miss you Daddy' when translated from English to Italian?

Mi manchi, Babbo! and Mi manchi, Papà! are Italian equivalents of the English phrase "I miss you, Daddy!" Birthplace, context and personal preferences determine which form suits. The respective pronunciations will be "mee MAN-kee BAB-bo" and "mee MAN-kee pa-PA" in Pisan Italian.

What is 'I miss you honey' when translated from English to Italian?

Mi manchi, amore! is an Italian equivalent of the English phrase "I miss you, honey!" The phrase translates literally as "You to me are lacking/missing, love!" in English. The pronunciation will be "mee MAN-kee a-MO-rey" in Pisan Italian.

What is 'Will miss you' when translated from English to Italian?

Mi mancherai is an Italian equivalent of the English phrase "Will miss you." The object pronoun and future indicative in the second person informal singular may be rendered literally by word order into English as "To me you will be lacking/missing." The pronunciation will be "mee MAN-key-reh" in Italian.

What is 'Lo ami e mi manchi papà' when translated from Italian to English?

"I love him, and I miss you, Dad!" and "I love it, and I miss you, Daddy!" are English equivalents of the Italian phrase Lo ami e mi manchi, papà! Context makes clear which translation suits. The pronunciation will be "lo A-mee ey mee MAN-kee pa-PA" in Pisan Italian.

What is 'Ti amerò per sempre Mi manchi tanto' when translated from Italian to English?

"I will love you forever! I miss you so much!" is an English equivalent of the Italian phrase Ti amerò per sempre! Mi manchi tanto! The second statement translates literally as "You are lacking/missing to me" in English. The pronunciation will be "tee A-mey-RO per SEM-prey mee MAN-kee TAN-to" in Italian.