

What injury defeated Grendel?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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13y ago

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Beowulf torn Grendel's arm off.

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Q: What injury defeated Grendel?
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Beowulf defeated Grendel's and Grendel 's Mother's?

yes he defeated both of them, he defeated grendel by ripping off his arm them keeping it as proof

Who does Beowulf not fight?

Beowulf does not fight Grendel's mother until after he has defeated Grendel.

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Beowulf declares victory over Grendel by stating that the creature will no longer harm anyone and has been defeated by God.

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Beowulf is the cause of Grendel's death. Beowulf rips off Grendel's arm and Grendel runs away but shortly after dies of the injury.

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Grendel terrorized the Danes for twelve years before being defeated by Beowulf.

What is the monster called in Beowulf?

The monster in Beowulf is called Grendel. He is a descendant of Cain and terrorizes the Danes in the story until he is defeated by Beowulf.

What is some of beowulf's accomplishments?

Beowulf's accomplishments include defeating the monster Grendel, slaying Grendel's mother, and triumphing over a dragon in his final battle, ultimately sacrificing his life in the process. He is known for his courage, strength, and loyalty to his people.

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The warrior's prayers to rid of Grendel were unsuccessful because Grendel was a powerful and malevolent force that could not be easily defeated by mere prayers alone. It required a physical confrontation and strategy to defeat such a formidable opponent.

What 3 people did Grendel want to kill?

Grendel wanted to kill Hrothgar, the king of the Danes, as well as his warriors in Heorot. He also targeted Beowulf, the Geat warrior who eventually defeated him.