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he was a solder

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Q: What important things happened when George W. Bush was president?
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What important event happened in the years George Washington was president?

There where many things that happened when George Washington was president. That was mostly when everything happened He was president for about 16 years.

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What interesting things happened when George W. Bush was president?

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Benjamin Harrison, the grandson of President William Henry Harrison, became president(1889-1893).

What were some of the important things that happened when William Henry Harrison was President?

Nothing really, as Harrison was only President for one month.

What 2 important things did George Washington do?

He was the first president. He helped win the revolutionary war.

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Texas Governor George W.Bush ran for president against vice president Al Gore.Gore won the popular vote but lost to governor Bush

What are 2most important things that George Washington did?

He defeated the British in the American Revolution, and served as the first elected President of the USA

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Abraham Lincoln got elected for the 16 president of the U.S.A.

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he wrote the declaration of independence.

What important things happened during 1976?

See the link below for a long list of what happened in 1976. From the formation of both Apple and Microsoft to Jimmy Carter becoming President.

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=the most important things happened in ontario are that some stinkin websites do not work dushes