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importane consideration in framing policies

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Q: What important consideration in framing policies?
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What are the important consideration in framing policies programmes and procedures in an organization how do they affect the life in and of an organization?

Policies guide how organizations operate and how they do things. Without policies governing organizational operations, there will be total chaos, a breakdown of order, and discipline. Policies provide the basis for operations of structure, systems, and personnel.In organizations, policies are of fundamental importance for its proper functioning. Policies drive the life of an organization and are the foundation stones on which they rest.

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When selecting a PFD, the most important consideration should be size.

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What are the two most common framing distances as given on a framing square?

There is only one common framing distance in a framing square. The main framing distance in a framing square is a steel square.

What are the two most common framing distance as given on a framing square?

There is only one common framing distance in framing square. The most common framing square is called steel square.

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One advantage is that it eliminates a hinge point in Gable walls which is especially important in high wind zones. The other advantage is ease of framing when using vaulted ceilings.