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Many illnesses may develop with dementia caregivers, such as hypertension, depression, anxiety, common name it, you can get it! I think the biggest thing I see in caregivers is they stop taking care of themselves! This leads to stress and depression that doesn't have an avenue for release. The bottom line is you must have a plan in place to be able to call for help from your support team when you need a break. Take care of yourself, if you don't, you won't be able to care for your loved one with dementia.

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Q: What illness do caregivers experience when caring patients with dementia?
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Unfortunately, sometimes this can happen. They get confused and even a little paranoid sometimes due to their illness. They may have forgotten where they put their money or exactly how much they had. Eventually, as the disease progresses they begin to forget who certain people are and this problem can get worse. Try finding a support group for caregivers of dementia or read some books about how best to handle this.

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Treatment for Dementia?

Dementia is not a standalone disease. Dementia is a set of symptoms that come about because of another underlying illness. Doctors often see signs of dementia in older patients who suffer from Alzheimer's disease. However, it can also occur in cases of HIV, AIDS, schizophrenia, Huntington's disease, Parkinson's disease, Motor Neurone disease, and various other illnesses. The term dementia comes from the Latin words de (apart) and mentis (mind). Dementia is a progressive syndrome that worsens with time as the sufferer's brain continues to deteriorate.Symptoms of DementiaThe main symptom of dementia is memory loss. An individual suffering from dementia may forget where he or she is going. This may occur randomly and without warning. The individual may intend to go to the store and forget the way in the middle of the trip. In severe cases, the individual may not remember his or her name or relationships with other people.Mood changes are also common in people suffering from dementia. The individual may experience extreme frustration and aggravation with loved ones. He or she may also cry sporadically. The person may also experience irrational fears and anxiety.People with dementia also have trouble communicating with other people. Every day tasks such as talking, writing, and typing might seem impossible at times. This symptom usually worsens with time.Managing DementiaUnfortunately, most cases of dementia are incurable. The only thing doctors can do is attempt to slow down its progress. The specific treatment a physician decides to use depends on the disease associated with the dementia.Some physicians may prescribe acetyl cholinesterase inhibitors such as Aricept and Exelon to treat dementia in patients with Alzheimer's disease. These drugs are effective in slowing down the progress of the symptoms.Selegline is a drug that doctors usually prescribe for patients with Parkinson's disease. It helps to improve problems with movement. Selegline is also effective in decreasing dementia symptoms.Doctors may also use cognitive and behavioral therapies to treat patients with dementia. These talk therapies help the patients to recognize triggers and develop coping strategies. Proper learning strategies can help patients to manage random bouts of extreme fear and anxiety.

Dementia Affects More Than the Memory?

Dementia is a generalized disease; it is not something that is a singular, very specific illness it is a culmination of different symptoms and diseases that affect the brain in a negative manner. Dementia interferes with memory and daily functions that people become accustomed to over time; it affects relationships and virtually every other form of normal function that a sufferer has. Dementia is not simply a memory disorder. In fact, memory loss alone is not a sign of dementia. Doctors will not diagnose a person with dementia until at least two portions of the brain, such as the portions that control memory, cognitive ability or language skills are affected without the loss of consciousness. When a person is diagnosed with dementia, the first question they have is often how treatment will occur. Unfortunately, there is at this time no treatment that cures dementia or reverses the symptoms of this life altering disease. There are, however, different treatments that can benefit patients with dementia; they will not, however, remove the disease from the body and they may not work forever. The first type of treatment available for a patient suffering with dementia is medication. The medication that treats dementia is used to slow the progression of the disease and improve symptoms slightly. These medications can ease the burden placed upon the patient, the patient's family and the caregivers of the patient. In addition, these medications can extend the time before the patient is required to enter an extended care facility for patients suffering from this disease. Quality of life is one of the things that dementia medications can improve. Cognitive training is also available for patients suffering from dementia. Again, this will not reverse the disease or stop it from progressing but it can improve the quality of life and make it better. Doctors can use cognitive training to teach patients to use basic memory devices such as mnemonics to improve memory function or to use computerized recall devices or take notes to help them remember the basics. In addition, rewarding positive behavior will reduce the amount of inappropriate behavior conducted by a dementia patient from his frustration at not understanding.

What is the outline of the medical model of dementia?

to encourage people to live heatly lifestyles and also it looks at the cause of the illness and tries

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How do you change a will and testament of a dementia person?

You can´t if it was made before the illness was officialy determent by a doctor.

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What affects a person's experience of dementia?

Dementia only affects about 5% of people over the age of 65, and 20% of those over the age of 80.Another answer: Patients, their family, doctors, and society at large are affected by the effects of dementia. When a person experiences the development of dementia, they slowly lose their memory. First they begin to forget little things, and then it gradually builds up. One of the early signs of dementia is when a person forgets the names of those closest to them. As the dementia develops, a person may forget what has happened earlier in their day, or even what has happened just few hours ago. Eventually, they will not be able to remember their own name or what they are doing at the moment.Dementia occurs because brain cells deteriorate- sometimes very quickly.The related link listed below may be of some help: