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You can reliably test 14 to 16 days after you had sex. If you go to a Dr and get a blood test they can tell sooner.

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Q: What if your periods are not regular and you don't know when your last missed period is how far along do you need to be before a home pregnancy test will show?
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How soon can you know you are pregnant?

You can know the pregnancy status before the due date of periods. It is expensive. There is no advantage to know it before ten days of missed periods.

Is backache a symptom of pregnancy before you missed periods?

no it is not if your are pregnant the pregnancy is not progressed enough for back aches but keep a close eye for other symptoms

First sex was before menstruation but regular periods for the next 6 years until this month. Can the skipped period be caused by pregnancy?

Yes, that is a possibility. One skipped period is of itself not a certain indication of pregnancy, but it's one explanation for the missed period. Consider a pregnancy test.

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Can it be pregnancy if you missed your periods and discharge yellow in colour?

you must have aids

Why do you miss your periods?

The most common reason for a missed period is pregnancy.

Why have you missed your last 2 periods if your usually regular?

If you're usually regular, there could be a number of reasons you missed your last 2 periods. The most likely reason is that you are pregnant. However, if you have ruled out pregnancy, stress, illness, diet, and hormonal changes could all be culprits. See your doctor to find the cause and treat the problem.

When do you take a pregnancy test if your period isn't normal?

pregnancy test is done if a woman missed her periods.

Is there a complication if you missed your period twice or is it a sign that you are pregnant even if you do not have pregnancy symptoms and you do not feel like you are carrying a baby in your womb?

Hi, Not all missed periods are caused by pregnancy. A lot of missed periods that are not caused by pregnancy are usually caused by irregular periods, stress, stopping the pill or hormonal imbalance. Best thing to do is see your doctor and have a blood test.

You missed your period in December due September 22nd but had baby on September 1st when did you conceive?

Likely about 2 weeks before the missed period if the woman had regular periods. The baby may have arrived earlier or later than the average 40 week pregnancy, so it is impossible to know based on birthdate.

Is it normal for a virgin to miss two periods?

Yes, it can be. If you are under stress this can cause missed periods. If you have been sick, on a diet, all of these things can cause missed periods. If you are young and just starting your periods it is common to skip months or to have irregular period. It takes a year or two before a cycle becomes regular.

Is pregnancy 38 or 40 wks?

pregnancy lasts for a periods of 40 weeks from last missed periods. Pregnancy lasts for 38 weeks from the date of conception. Normally you do not know the date of conception. The date of last periods is taken normally to calculate the weeks of pregnancy.