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If you take an affirmation (as opposed to an oath) in court, you are only required to hold the card with the script on.

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Q: What if you refuse to raise your right hand in court?
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Do you raise you left or right hand in court?

Do what is comfortable

Can a person refuse to tell the truth in court?

Yes, a person can refuse to swear on the Bible in court. The person should notify the Court in advance since it's a change of procedure. The Court will then have the person simply raise their right hand and swear to tell the truth. Most courts in the United States no longer use a Bible during swear-in of a witness, citing separation of Church and State in due process.

What hand do you use to swear on the bible in court?

Traditionally, it was your right hand for cultural reasons. I do not believe that Bibles are used for this purpose any more. I personally appeared as a witness twice (in NY) and both times I was asked to swear to tell the truth. No Bible was presented and I was not asked to raise my hand.

What does raise your right hand mean in spanish?

Levante la mano derecha. (You raise the right hand)

What Levanta la mano?

levanta la mano literally means "raise the hand," or raise your hand

Which hand do you place on Bible when swearing on Bible?

The left hand is placed on the Bible and the right hand is raised.

Imagine you are standing in front of a mirror facing it Raise your left hand Raise your right hand Look at your reflection When you raise your left hand your reflection raises what appears to be?

Obviously, the reflected image seems to be raising her right hand.

When you raise your left hand while in front of a mirror what hand does your image raise?

It will appear that the image raises his right hand.

If you are invited into a home in the state of Texas Then asked to leave but you refuse If it becomes a physical confrontation Dies tge hone owner have the right to lay hand on you?

If you are asked to leave someone's home and refuse, they have the right to self-defense. If it is acceptable or not will be decided in a court of law because the person will probably be arrested for trespassing.

Imagine you are standing in front of a mirror facing it Raise your left hand Raise your right hand Look at your reflection When you raise your left hand your reflection raises what appears to be his r?

Of course it does. You are looking at a REVERSE image.

What does levanten la mano derecha mean?

Raise your right hand

How does an eastern woodland Indian greet people?

they raise their right hand and say ''how''