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It depends on who you ask.

If you are looking for an Islamic perspective, Islam is "transmitted" from father to child, meaning that the child (regardless of his religious upbringing) is truly a Muslim observing Christianity and therefore not being a proper Muslim. Such a child should abandon Christianity and become the Muslim he was born as.

If you are looking for a general perspective, a child's religion is purely the decision of said child and, whatever God or gods there may be, would understand the circumstances of that child that led him to the religion he chose and would not harbor ill will towards him.

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Q: What if a Muslim man make a christian lady who is married pregnant and after the lady give birth to the child and the child remain in a christian house and don't do sun nah?
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What if a Muslim man make a christian lady who is married pregnant and after the lady give birth to the child and the child remain in a christian house and don't do sunnah?

If the child is actively being raised christian by the married christian lady then the child's worship will be based around the religion's views. If the Muslin man becomes more active in the child's life, the child could actively practice both religions depending on the parent the child stays with. Nothing bad will come of the child based on when and what the child worships, it truly depends on the parent teaching.

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no, the nation's religion is decided upon a few factors. While i government could if it wished set a national religion (it could attempt to at least) the main method of deciding a nations religion is by what has been practiced longest and has the largest following. The UK for example is a christian country. if Gordon brown (or whomever is in power at the moment if this is after his general election defeat in 2010) became a Muslim then the country would remain a christian country as it has been practiced here for over 1000 years and by census is the largest religion by population (though on a personal note i would think of it as a christian/Muslim nation as there are probably equal numbers of [i]practicing[/i] christians as Muslims) but no. the ruler of the nation does not signify what religion the country follows

Can a christian can marry a muslim guy?

Homosexuality is generally considered to be forbidden in the mainstreams of both Christianity and Islam so such a contract is unlikely to be religiously accepted. However from a secular or civil viewpoint, if the two men (one who happens to be a Christian and the other a Muslim) live in a country where same sex marriage is legal then they have only to go through the appropriate channels available to get married. For example, a civil partnership in the UK. If they live where it's illegal then the only option would be to move somewhere where it's legal, failing that you would have to accept that you won't get married.AnswerIf a man is living the life of a homosexual and is not repenting for it and (by the look of the question) has no intention of repenting but continues that life, it is not likely that the man is a Muslim. So the question is really flawed since it would not be a 'Muslim' man(as defined by what a Muslim is in the Qur'an which all Muslims are to follow if they profess to be Muslim) involved in that hypothetical scenario. AnswerAlso, be very, very careful about claiming to know what defines a "Muslim" or a "Christian", in terms of doctrine. There are a significant number of Christian sects (Lutherans, Episcopalians, etc. ) which are fully supportive of homosexuals (that is, they see no problem with being homosexual or heterosexual person of the faith), and as Muslims don't have any central authority which defines doctrine for Islam, there is no "official" definition of what is permissible to a "Muslim". Be extremely careful making general statements about huge religion's beliefs, as you almost certainly are going to be wrong for a significant proportion of those believers. In most Western countries, religious affiliation is immaterial to civil marriage, so if the country permitted civil marriage between two same-sex people, then a Christian man would have no more problem marrying a Muslim man than he would a Christian woman. In terms of religions, it once again depends on the specific church in question - many churches allow religious marriages of same-sex people (even if the state does not), and many allow inter-faith marriages.Conceptually and realistically, there's no barrier to this happening other than the particular beliefs of the individuals and the legal status of same-sex marriage in a country.

Can you remain friends with the girl you got pregnant?

is she okay with being pregnant is so yes if not then its probably not a good idea