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The french horn is in the category of Brass instruments. All other brass instruments are technically relatives of the french horn.


The closest thing I could think of is a mellophone.... Its like a french horn but for Marching Band.... It sort of looks like a Trumpet. Trumpets are also relatives of the french horn... I would suggest if you are a beginner to start out on the trumpet then move to one of these instruments.... I would know because I play mellophone now and its my 3rd year of band and I just stopped playing trumpet. Hope this helps.

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french horn is a brass instrument that can be played in a band or orchestra. the mouthpiece size and shape is most similar to the trumpet, but band music pieces are usually similar to the Trombone of Alto Saxophone.

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What are the different types of horns?

There is the French Horn and a Bb Horn.

How do you say horns in french?

The french word for horn is cor.

Does a french horn have a valve?

French horns do have valves, but not the same kind trumpets use. Trumpets use pistons, and french horns use Rotary Valves. However, a marching french horn, a melophone, does have piston valves.

Where did the french horn came from?

It evolved out of hunting horns in Germany.

Is there a French horn on Wii Music?

there are french horns in wii music, but you can not play it. When you conduct a orchestra you see mii's playing the french horn.

What is the weight of a french horn?

a french horn can weigh up to 25 or 30 depends on what kind it is.if you have a professional horn it will be a lot heavier than a regular or student horn.regular and student horns weigh about 10 -15 pounds

What is the french horn is made out of?

Most French horns are made out of mettle. Mine is made out of mettle.....

What band would a french horn be in?

A French horn is most likely to be found in a concert band or a brass band, although there are jazz bands with French horns. French horn is in its element, however, in a symphony orchestra.

Was there a french horn in Beethoven's 5th Symphony?

Yes. It uses two horns.

Is the french horn a brass?

Yes. The section of brass instruments includes horns.

Trur or falseEarly french horn were originally played on the hunt?

Modern horns evolved out of old style hunting horns.

What date the french horn was invented?

It wasn't invented but evolved from early horns. The earliest horn was a hunting horn. These date from the 16th century .