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it occurs when the PARATHYROID HOROMONE (PTH) falls to low.

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Q: What hormone causes tetany?
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What hormone is responsible for tetany?

Tetany is caused by a disturbance of the blood calcium level. So you can say vitamin D (also considered a hormone) plays a role in it. Also, the parathyroid hormone level has a direct effect on calcium levels.

What is the hormone whose production in inadequate amounts results in tetany?

excess calcitonin or decreased parathormone

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What are the hormones produced in inadequate amounts that directly result in the following conidions tetany and loss of glucose in the urine?

Parathyroid Hormone if in hyposecretion increases neural excitability and may lead to tetany.

What causes tetany?

it occurs when the PARATHYROID HOROMONE (PTH) falls to low.

A deficiency of this hormone causes hypocalcemic tetany?

Obviously,deficiency of PTH causes hypocalcaemic tetany as PTH is one of the most important regulator in maintainance of the cocentration of plasma Ca++.It increases the rate of bone resorption through potentiation of osteoclastic activity.It also increases the reabsorption of Ca++ from DCT through recruitment of more TRPV-5 channels.So,if due to any cause there is gross injury in parathyroids(mostly occurs during performing thyroidectomy operation),there is hypothyroidism followed by marked hypocalcaemia resultig in hypocalcaemic tetany.

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What is hormone responsible for?

Tetany is caused by a disturbance of the blood calcium level. So you can say vitamin D (also considered a hormone) plays a role in it. Also, the parathyroid hormone level has a direct effect on calcium levels.

Which causes tetany in frog muscle?

Hi,Tetany is caused by a lack of calcium or vitamin d-3. To prevent Tetany, dusting crickets with a vitamin d-3 mix every week for adults and every other day for youngsters will do the trick.

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A deficiency of parathyroid hormone can cause involuntary muscle contractions of a type called?

Tetany is the term for the muscle contractions that may be caused by hypoparathyroidism.