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It would depend on the cause. Mental handicap is sometimes caused by brain damage sustained in life, or by defective genes. In these cases, it is irreversible and there are no treatments. Mental retardation can also be caused by an overload of heavy metals in the body, which could very probably be fixed with a full heavy metal cleanse. In the past, Vitamin B12, Folic Acid and Soy Lecithin have all been used to treat brain damage. Do not believe that a mentally handicapped person can just take a sip of some green tea and wake up a professor the next day. Vitamin B12 deficiency will lead to neurological symptoms and can be cured, but mental retardation has no cure I am afraid, at least not from some random herb. B12 deficiency gives you somatomotor problems long before cognitive symptoms.

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Q: What herbs can be used to treat mental handicap?
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