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When you sweat your maintaining homeostasis because its cooling you on the inside same for shivering your warming your inside.

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Q: What helps your body maintain homeostasis?
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it helps it by keeping body temperature constant

In which of the ways does the perspiring help the body to maintain homeostasis?

Sweating is a mechanism by which the body helps maintain body temperature homeostasis.

How do kidneys work with other body systems maintain homeostasis?

the nutrients and blood moving around helps with homeostasis.

How does a tongue maintain homeostasis?

It helps select foods that are nutritious to the body, because all natural sources of food that help maintain homeostasis taste good.

How do kidneys work with other body systems to maintain homeostasis?

The kidneys work with other body systems to maintain homeostasis by filtering pollutants from the body. The kidneys filter blood which nourishes all of the systems of the body.

How does cycling maintain homeostasis?

The activity of cycling does not maintain homeostasis as such. Rather, it disrupts the body's natural homeostasis, however this can be beneficial as it helps stimulate the body to become strong and healthy.

What characterstics has evolved that helps to maintain homeostasis?

The ability to sweat is a major characteristic that helps maintain homeostasis. By sweating an individual cools their body temperature when it is too warm. This in turn keeps the body at a homeostatic temperature in which the proteins and enzymes (within the body) continue to function as normal.

Explain how your body temperature is an example of homeostasis?

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