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the most cheapest and healthiest food to give your monster that will improve its health quick is to give it a crab and jelly sandwich the mouse thing scummi bears barfmallows the garlic on a stick and buy 3 things of the gross slim stuff that is in the bucket and your monster should almost be full!

please please add me im muffinmoo11 i am a member at level 8 and i really hope this wworked for you enjoy moshi monsters!!

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Q: What healthy foods should you feed your monster on moshi monsters?
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What are healthy foods on Moshi Monsters?

Each food on Moshi Monsters has been given two numbers, a health number and a happiness number. When you feed that food to your Moshi Monster, it will increase your monsters health or happiness by that number. So, healthy foods are foods that have a large health number. Watch for the numbers when you feed a food to your monster. They will show up above your monster's head for a few seconds. If you want to increase your monsters health faster, buy the foods with the highest health number.

What is the healthiest food for your monster in moshi monsters?

Monsters have different food preferences so you should buy different foods for your monster and see which he/she reacts best to.

What does poptet love to eat on moshi monsters?

You should buy different food items for your monster from the Gross-ery shop on Main Street and see which foods your monster reacts best to. Monsters have different favourite foods.

How do you cheat to increase your Moshi Monsters health?

Cheating is not allowed on Moshi Monsters. To keep your monster healthy, you need to feed it. Different foods have different effects on your monster, so remember to try them all and watch your health meter!

What is the most healthy food on moshi monsters?

try to give your monster its favorite foods(i have a poppet so it likes eye pies and mutant sprout)

How do you get your heath high on moshi monsters?

Your health and happiness show how your monster is feeling. To keep your monster healthy, you need to feed it. Different foods have different effects on your monster, so remember to try them all and watch your health meter!

How do you get the happienes up on moshi monsters?

Your health and happiness show how your monster is feeling. To keep your monster healthy, you need to feed it. Different foods have different effects on your monster, so remember to try them all and watch your health meter!

What is the healthiest food on Moshi Monsters besides the green?

Monsters have different food preferences so you should buy different foods for your monster and see which he/she reacts best to.

What is the best food to give your monster in moshi monsters?

You should buy different food items for your monster from the Grossery on Main Street and see which foods he/she reacts best to.

How do you get your monster's health to go up on Moshi Monsters?

To get your monster's health up on Moshi Monsters, you need to feed it. If you feed your monster its favorite foods, its health will go up faster. Monsters like different foods, so you will have to find out your monster's favorite foods when you go shopping for food. If you buy something your monster likes, it will say something or make happy sounds. When you feed your monster something it likes, it will also make happy sounds.

How do you make your monster happy if it is not on Moshi Monsters?

If the monster is "not on" Moshi Monsters, then it would be helpful to know which game you are asking about as there are many games that have monsters in them. If you are asking because you have a free Basic Membership account on Moshi Monsters, your monster is "on" Moshi Monsters and you do the same things as everyone else to make your monster happy. That is, tickle your monster, play games, and feed it favorite foods.

What are the healthiest foods on moshi monsters?

each monster is different and every monster likes different types of food