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Yeast does not react with hydrogen peroxide but it is a catalyst.

Hydrogen peroxide (H202) decomposes into H2O and O2. This is always happening but at a very low rate so you don't notice it. If you add yeast to hydrogen peroxide it will speed up the decomposition of H2O2. However the yeast does not react with the H2O2 and nothing is chemically altered in the yeast. That is because yeast is a catalyst.

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15y ago
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12y ago

Author's note, updated February 2008: The question I get asked most by readers is, "Can I mix the hydrogen peroxide and vinegar into one sprayer?" The short answer is: EEK - No! The longer answer is: never mix hydrogen peroxide and vinegar together in one container. The resulting chemical, peracetic acid, can harm you when mixed together this way if you accidentally create a strong concentration in this fashion. Peracetic acid also has entirely different characteristics and properties than either hydrogen peroxide or vinegar. Additionally, we don't know if peracetic acid kills the same group of pathogenic food-borne bacteria when used this way as a spray - it very well may not.

I have long used a 50/50 mix of vinegar/hydrogen peroxide, stored in plastic bottles, as a bore cleaner for my handguns that use plain cast lead bullets. The mixture dissolves lead - a lead bullet placed in a glass ashtray filled with the fluid will be reduced to powder! I plug the breech end of the barrel, stand it vertically, and fill with the mix. When the fizzing and foaming stops, I pour it out and run a patch through a completely clean barrel.

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15y ago

nothing. yeast need sugar or they won't do anything. Additionally hydrogen peroxide is toxic, which is why the body goes to such extent to break it down. Even if there was sugar the yeast would die.

....You may find it bubbles ever so slightly as the hydrogen peroxide breaks down into water and hydrogen, but that would happen anyway.

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10y ago

During the reaction, the yeast's enzyme "catalase" turns hydrogen peroxide into water and oxygen, both harmless to it. So when you pour hydrogen peroxide on the yeast, you are seeing the effect of
this enzyme and the chemical reaction it mediates. When yeast metabolizes sugar, they produce carbon dioxide as a by product of metabolism. So the production of carbon dioxide will not be immediate, but as they begin to use the sugar, bubbles will appear. These bubbles will be carbon dioxide. They also produce ethanol (alcohol) in the balanced chemical reaction.

So: water, oxygen, carbon dioxide, and ethanol.

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13y ago

You get something called elephants toothpaste...... go to

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14y ago

It makes NaCl (Sodium Chloride) + H2O (Water). Otherwise known as Salt Water. It also foams during the reaction.

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Q: What is produced when hydrogen peroxide and yeast are mixed?
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Why does hydrogen peroxide foam when mixed with yeast?

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What do Hydrogen Peroxide and yeast make?

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A good sixth grade science project?

Hydrogen peroxide, liquid soap and active yeast. The chemisty is to decompose hydrogen peroxide with the help of active yeast that is mixed in some warm water. When hydrogen peroxide is decompose, oxygen released is trapped in form of bubbles by the liquid soap. Hydrogen peroxides is available in any pharmacy store and it is just a fun project.

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What kind of reaction is made between hydrogen peroxide and yeast?

Hydrogen Peroxide decomposes in oxygen gas and water.

In a hydrogen peroxide and yeast experiment what is the purpose of the cups with yeast and nothing?

To look good

What gas does yeast and hydrogen peroxide make?

I think its oxygen

Why does yeast froth when put in peroxide?

Yeast froths when put in peroxide because the acidic nature of peroxide reacts chemically with the products of yeast, causing hydrogen to be given off and froth to fizz rapidly.

Why does hydrogen peroxide react to yeast?

Hydrogen peroxide is a very powerful oxidizing agent. The cell walls of the yeast are made up of organic compounds that can be oxidized by the H2O2. It destroys the cell walls and kills the yeast in the process.

What is a femine yeast infection?

A yeast infection is an overgrowth of yeast, often in the vagina and vulva. The genitals naturally contain yeast, usually they're kept under control by hydrogen peroxide produced by certain bacteria within the vagina, but occasionally the yeast are allowed to overgrow.

When do women use hydrogen peroxide?

Some women use a hydrogen peroxide solution to treat yeast infections. The hydrogen peroxide solution is an effective and natural home remedy. It is not recommended for use during menstruation or pregnancy.

How do you make a chemical hand warmer?

Put hydrogen peroxide with yeast (baking) and there you go.