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the patient will die

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Q: What happens to a patient when the blood of a donor does not correspond with the patient?
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How is a heart donor determined?

The heart must come from a person with the same blood type as the patient, unless it is blood type O negative. A blood type O negative heart is a universal donor and is suitable for any patient regardless of blood type.

In the world of medicine what is Apheresis used for?

Apheresis, a process in which blood is extracted from a donor patient to remove a specific part of the blood and then returned back to the donor patient, is used for extracting platelets, red-blood cells, white-blood cells, and plasma for donation.

Which blood group should be of a donor to a patient who is 'O' negative?

A person who is O- can only accept blood from another O- person, but they are the universal donor, and can give their blood to anyone.

Is it safe to transfuse AB to an AB- blood patient?

you can - blood to a + but not + to a - o- is the universal blood donor because of this concept. so no.

Can Rh negative patient receive Rh positive plasma?

A Rh negative patient cannot receive Rh positive blood as it will cause a antibody reaction to the donor plasma, but a Rh positive patient can receive Rh negative blood as the donor blood lacks the Rh antibody component. PS the Rh factor is present on Red blood cells and not in Plasma

When doing a stem cell transplant and they cross match a patient what does the donor have to match with the patient in order to donate?

they have to have matching blood types

Why it is safe to transfuse blood group O to a patient during emergency?

Type O blood is the universal blood donor. So, O is the safest donor if you don't know the patient's blood type and it's an emergency. Because, if you mixed different blood types, like A and B, then the blood would clot, and the patient would die. Because really any person, no matter what the blood type, can receive type O blood.

A patient's blood type is AB can she safely receive a plasma transfusion from a donor who is o?

no , it is not possible

Why can a patient with type AB blood get blood from all blood type donor?

Because he or she can receive all blood type for transfusion without having blood clumps.

Is it possible that an Rh negative blood be compatible with an Rh positive in a crossmatching procedure?

In crossmatching you don't actually mix the whole blood samples. You will mix the red blood cells of the donor with the plasma of the patient. So if the patient is Rhesus positive, it wont have antibodies in the plasma against the Rhesus factor on the red blood cells of the donor. So a crossmatch with either a negative or positive donor will be allright. So in this case, it is indeed possible.

What happens if donor blood is not matched to the receiver?

what happens when blood type AB is mixed with blood type A or B?

What is likely to occur if a person with type A blood receives a transfusion of type B blood?

If this happens, antibodies that the patient already has in his or her blood will attack the donor red blood cells and destroy them. This could cause fever, chills, chest or back pain.