

What happens if cement is mixed with sand and water?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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12y ago

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Well I'm just guessing so yeah i think that explode

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Q: What happens if cement is mixed with sand and water?
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Cement mixed with sand and water makes?

If you mix cement ,sand and water you get mortar If you mix cement and stone pebbles or chips you get concrete Concrete.Sometimes gravel is mixed with it, too.

What does cement mixed with sand and water make?

It is Motar.

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What happens when sand and and water are mixed?

you get salty sand water

What is mixed with sand for building buildings?

Concrete is used for building buildings and it is a mixture of sand, water and cement.

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You get a mixture of salt and sand. Nothing more happens.

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Cement paste is formed when cement is mixed with water. However, cement mortar is formed when cement is mixed with fine aggregate (sand) and water.The strength of cement mortar is more when compared to cement paste.Shrinkage will be less in cement mortar and high in cement paste.

What is concerete made up of?

cement powder mixed with an aggregate (usually gravel or sand) and water

What two substances must be mixed with cement to make concrete?

1) sand 2) water

What is the difference between cement and mortar and concrete?

Cement paste is formed when cement is mixed with water. However, cement mortar is formed when cement is mixed with fine aggregate (sand) and water.The strength of cement mortar is more when compared to cement paste.Shrinkage will be less in cement mortar and high in cement paste.

Beside cement what was the other solid in the ready mixed mortar?

Mortar has sand in it. Concrete has cement, sand and stone.