

What happen to Alexander the Great empire after his death?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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11y ago

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Alexander did not name a successor.

The candidates - his top Macedonian generals - fought each other over a share of the cake. As it settled down, these shares became roughly Egypt and Palestine, Syria, Asia Minor and mainland Greece. Parts of these territories changed hands from time to time, and their rulers also changed, at least in Greece and Asia Minor. Ptolemy in Egypt was the first to adopt the title of king, and the others followed. Three dynasties endured - The Macedonian, Ptolemy (down to Cleopatra) and the Seleucids in Syria.

The Roman conquests progressively put an end to them during the second and first centuries BCE, and they became Roman provinces. The eastern conquests were lost progressively - Persia, what is today Pakistan, and Central Asia quickly. However although there is no written record, it is apparent from finds of coinage that there was an independent Greek kingdom in the Afghanistan area long after it was thought to have reverted to native rule.

Julius Caesar tried to emulate Alexander's eastern part of the empire with an expedition to conquer the Parthians who had taken it over. On the eve of departure he was assassinated.

Incidentally, Alexander's body was sent back to Macedonia in a vat of honey. Seeking to bolster his authority and preeminence, Ptolemy hijacked it to Alexandria and had it mummified. It was still there when Octavian Augustus captured Alexandria in 30 BCE after defeating Antony and Cleopatra at Actium. What happened to it is unknown.

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