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The Articles of Confederation and then we made the Constitution

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Q: What form of government existed in the colonies?
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What form of government did the colonists establish in the colonies themselves

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A form of government.

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In 600 BC Rome was still a monarchy, which lasted for 144 years (753-509 BC). In 509 BC the Romans overthrew the last king because he was a tyrant. They decided to do away with the monarchy and established the Roman Republic, which was designed to prevent power from going into the hands of a single man to avoid a return of tyranny. The Republic lasted for 482 years, until it was replaced by rule by emperors in 27 BC.

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The Thirteen colonies first formed in 1507.

Government in the southern colonies?

The southern colonies had a form of self-government where everything was voted on. There were a lot of democrats in the back country. The English kingalways had the final say.

Why did the 13 colonies form a representative government?

The 13 colonies wanted to form a representative government in order to form a single voice that would represent them in a more perfect union. They didn't want any more than one voice representing them.

Was the mayflower compact the first form of self-government in the English colonies?

yes it was