

What food did homo sapiens eat?

Updated: 2/16/2022
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7y ago

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We are the genus homosapian. So the answer is whatever you eat.

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Alyson Reynolds

Lvl 13
2y ago
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Q: What food did homo sapiens eat?
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they will eat anything you will never imagine!

What do homo sapiens eat and why?

Homo sapiens sapiens are omnivores -that is, we eat everything.

What kind of food did homo sapiens eat?

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For the female, Dicks. For the males, vaginas.

Why are you able to eat pork now?

Pork has always been edible by Homo sapiens sapiens as we have always been able to use fire to cook our food.

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It's not well understood why neanderthals died out and not homo sapiens. One theory is that homo sapiens were so much better at acquiring food the neanderthals unable to find enough food to stay in good health.

How homo sapiens gathered their food?

migration they walk around to get their food

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Homo sapiens(Modern humans are Homo sapiens sapiens, other subspecies include Homo sapiens idaltu.)

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Homo sapiens are modern Humans. We are more often called Homo sapiens sapiens now.

What foods do homo sapiens eat?

We humans eat pretty well anything that will hold still long enough. food...Homo sapiens sapiens are modern humans, so they eat anything you have ever heard of anyone eating And some things you've never imagined anyone eating...