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Complete flowers!☺♥

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Q: What flowers have sepals petals stamens pistils?
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What are the necessary parts of a flower?

sepals, petals, stamens and pistils.

What consists of sepals petal stamens and pistils?

A bisexual and complete flower such as that of mustard has sepals, petals, stamens and pistil.

A flower that has sepals petals stamens pistils is called a?

Complete flower

If a flower that has separate sepals petalsstamens and pistils what is it called?

separate sepals- aposepalous separate petals- apopetalous separate stamens- apostemonous separate pistils- apocarpous

How many types of appendages are found in a typical flower?

There are four, the sepals, petals, stamens, and pistils.

Do roses have petals?

No. There are petalless flowers. They reproduce by having the wind release their pollen.different classifications of flowers according to the presence or absence of their parts:Complete flowers are made up of calyx, corolla, stamens, and a pistil or pistils (the four "regular parts").Incomplete flowers lack one or more of the four regular parts of a complete flower as in all of the Fagaceae (oak family), Betulaceae (birch family) and Juglandaceae (walnut family).Perfect flowers have both stamens and pistils, but not necessarily sepals or petals.Imperfect flowers lack either stamens or pistils, and may or may not have sepals or petals.Naked flowers are without petals (apetalous) or sepals (asepalous) as in Zantedeschia spp. (calla lily).Apetalous flowers lack petals as in Elaeagnus pungens (silverthorn), Hydrangea spp. and Cornus florida (flowering dogwood).Staminate (male) flowers have a stamen or stamens, but no functional pistils.Pistillate (female) flowers have a pistil or pistils, but no functional stamens.

What are the sterile leaves of a flower?

The sepals and the petals are the sterile leaves of a flower. This is in contrast to the pistils and stamens, which are the parts of a flower used in reproduction.

What are trimerous flowers?

Having flower parts, such as petals, sepals, and stamens, in sets of three.

What is a flower that has both stamens and a pistil called?

Yes, the yellow stamen appear attached to the pistil protrusion

Do all flowers have the same part?

A complete flower will have petals, stamens, a pistil, and sepals. Some flowers may be missing any or several parts.

Is a sampaguita complete or incomplete?

A complete flower has petals, sepals, stamens and pistols. Sampaguita flowers can not produce seeds so it is not a complete flower.

What is floral part?

Sepals, petals. stamens and carpels are floral parts.