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montag gets chased by the mechanical dog when he tries to escape from burning his own home in the last chapter of Fahrenheit 451. also the mechanical dog is able to track until he drinks some liquid in a forest that a guy gives him

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14y ago
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1mo ago

The mechanical hound's attack on Montag symbolizes the oppressive nature of the society in Fahrenheit 451 and the consequences he faces for questioning the status quo. It also serves as a turning point in the novel, propelling Montag to reevaluate his beliefs and take action against the oppressive regime.

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10y ago

In the first section of the book(The Hearth and the Salamander), Montag notices the mechanical house acting very hostile toward him. Montag fears the mechanical beast. As the story progresses, the hound grows more and more hostile toward him. This is strange because it is almost like Beatty(Montag's Fire Chief) programmed the hound to react that way toward Montag, as if he knew he was hoarding the books illegally.

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13y ago

When Montag touches the machanical hound's snout it "wakes up" and begins to approach him. Montag starts to back away slowly. When the dog starts to growl, Guy quickly climbs up the fireman's pole up to the 2nd floor.

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13y ago

The hound suspects Montag has been stealing books.

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11y ago

injects him with procaine, also known as novacaine

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12y ago

It growls at him, and plays with the syringe when montag is around

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12y ago

He thinks the hound has been set to attack his chemical compound.

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12y ago

He believes the mechanical hound is very hostile to him, and negative.

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What is the significance of the mechanical hounds attack towards montag?

In the first section of the book(The Hearth and the Salamander), Montag notices the mechanical house acting very hostile toward him. Montag fears the mechanical beast. As the story progresses, the hound grows more and more hostile toward him. This is strange because it is almost like Beatty(Montag's Fire Chief) programmed the hound to react that way toward Montag, as if he knew he was hoarding the books illegally.

What is Montag reading just before the mechanical hound comes to the house What should the hound's arrival indicate to Montag What is his reaction?

Montag is reading poetry just before the mechanical hound arrives. The hound's arrival should indicate to Montag that he is in trouble and that the authorities are aware of his subversive activities. His reaction is one of fear and paranoia as he realizes the seriousness of the situation he is in.

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In the book "Fahrenheit 451" by Ray Bradbury, Faber gives Montag a small metal object containing a concentrated form of a liquor called "Denham's" that can be used to sedate mechanical hounds.

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Montag refers to the stomach pump and blood replacement machine used on Mildred as mechanical hounds, highlighting their invasive and dehumanizing nature.

What does the fireman in Seattle do to the mechanical hound in Fahrenheit 451?

In "Fahrenheit 451," the fireman named Montag turns the flamethrower on the mechanical hound, destroying it in self-defense as it is programmed to attack him.

What does montag think he sees what is it really?

Montag initially thinks he sees a person on the railroad tracks, but it turns out to be a mechanical hound.

Where is the word pulverized in the book Fahrenheit 451?

The word "pulverized" appears in the novel Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury in Part 1, when Montag recalls how mechanical hounds are programmed to track down and "pulverize" people who break the law.

Why is Montags encounter with the hound abnormal?

Montag's encounter with the Mechanical Hound is abnormal because the Hound is supposed to be programmed to only attack and capture people who have committed crimes against society. However, the Hound seemingly reacts aggressively towards Montag without him actually breaking any laws, hinting at a flaw or manipulation in its programming.

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Was the hound programmed to act against Montag in Fahrenheit 451?

Yes, the Mechanical Hound in "Fahrenheit 451" was programmed by the firemen to hunt down and capture individuals like Montag who deviated from the prescribed social norms by reading books or questioning authority.

Who or what comes sniffing around the door as montag is reading?

A Mechanical Hound comes sniffing around the door as Montag is reading. The Mechanical Hound is a robotic beast programmed to track down and eliminate those who break the law.

Why montag didnt run away before he killed beatty?

Because he was trapped and the mechanical hound was in the area