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70 % hydrogen, 28 % Helium, 1.5 % mix of carbon oxygen, & nitrogen, plus 1/2 % of everything else.

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7y ago

70% of the sun is hydrogen, 28% is helium, 1.5% comprises carbon, nitrogen and oxygen taken together and all other elements account for 0.5%.

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Q: What elements made up the sun and in what percentage?
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Why is the sun made up of hydrogen and helium?

Hydrogen and helium are by far the most abundant elements in the universe. Therefore stars such as the sun are made almost entirely of those elements.

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The universe is made of hydrogen with a small percentage helium. Elements heavier than helium are made in stars (not only the Sun). We will never see any heavy elements made by our Sun, but perhaps some civilization will. The elements we use, up to iron in atomic weight are made in stars by fusion during their normal lifetimes. Elements heavier than iron are made only when stars explode. The earliest solar systems in the early universe consisted only of hydrogen and helium. We live in a solar system since made of material tht has recycled once or twice since we know that the rubble surrounding our Sun has iron and heavier elements.

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No. The sun is made up of a ball of gases, and the only radioactive gas we know of is Radon. Also, most radioactive elements are man-made.

What chemical element is the principal constituent of the sun?

Three quarters of the sun is made up of hydrogen, while the rest is made up of mostly helium. The remainder is made up of heavier elements, such as oxygen neon and iron. thank u hoped it help u

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All elements that occur in nature occur on Earth, the Sun, and the Moon - but the proportions are different. The main difference is that the Sun is made up mainly of hydrogen and helium; both are relatively scarce on Earth and on the Moon.

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All elements are made up of molecules.

The sun is primarily made up of which two elements?

hydrogen and helium im devonte clark and i got my answer from study island.

What continues to give the sun its heat andenergy and light?

Its very own fuel: made up of hydrogen, carbon, and a few other elements. Stars were given 4 basic elements hydrogen carbon something something look it up. They used these to make new elements: all the elements on the periodic table. You are made up of elements created by stars long ago.

What is the percentage of composition of each element in dinitrogen pentoxide?

Dinitrogen Pentoxide is made up of nitrogen and oxygen. The percentage of composition of each of these elements is: 25.936% nitrogen and 74.064% oxygen.