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wall thickness of the pipe

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Q: What does the plumbing term schedule 40 mean?
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Is schedule 40 pipe PVC?

Not plumbing pvc pipe, but pvc pipe made especially for wiring.

Can you use plumbing PVC for electrical wiring?

No you shouldn't. It will fail inspection. Use electrical (grey) conduit. It is about the same price and has the proper electrical insulating properties required. The thicker PVC(schedule 40) is best, although schedule 80 is acceptable. (Schedule 40 is required for underground service feeders.)

Which is thicker schedule 40 or schedule 20?

schedule 40

What kind of PVC should be used for plumbing?

Schedule 40 Foam Core pipe can be used for DWV systems, and Schedule 40 pressure rated pipe (PW) should be used for water lines, and can also be used for DWV. CPVC can also be used for water lines.

Which is thicker g.i. pipe schedule-40 or schedule-20?

schedule 40 is thicker than schedule 20

What is the difference between astm a53 astm a120 in thickness of pipe?

The difference in thickness is not by the ASTM grade, but rather by the term "Schedule" - as in Schedule's 10, 40, and 80 - with schedule 10 having the lighest wall thickness, and schedule 80 having the thickest.

What is the next term in the sequence 7182940?

If you mean: 7 18 29 40 then the next term is 40+11 = 51

What is the difference between PVC schedule 40 and PVC 80?

The difference between schedule 40 and 80 pvc is the wall thickness and schedule 80 is thicker then schedule 40 so the higher the schedule number the thicker the wall of the pipe thus can hold more pressure.

What does the slang term 40 cal mean?

That is not slang - 40 cal stands for 40 calories, which is a nutrition measurement.

What means by schedule 40 in gas pipeline fittings?

The schedule of a pipe indicates its thickness. The higher the schedule number, the thicker the pipe will be. Shcedule 40 and schedule 80 seem to be the most common.

What does 40 W in a F T P mean?

40 weeks in a full term pregnancy

What does Catch 40 winks mean?

The term 'catch 40 winks' means catching 40 minutes of sleep (a nap.)