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I apparently was well-wooded, as Sycorax imprisoned Ariel in a pine tree. Prospero refers to oak trees and Sebastian has a large number of logs to move which must have come from somewhere.

Trinculo talks about one part of the island having neither bush nor shrub in II ii but later in the same scene Caliban tells him he can show him where there are berry-bushes and springs.

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Q: What does caliban in the tempest look like?
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Which play was the character caliban in?

The Tempest.

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How did the balinese production of the tempest show caliban to be an?

Caliban is an outcast because he is a monsterlike being and not human.

What is the monsters name in the tempest?

The little monster in it is called, Caliban! He used to own the island.

In the written version of The Tempest how are Ariel and Caliban different?

Ariel is willingly obedient, while Caliban is forced into obedience.

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Miranda hangs back and keeps her distance from Caliban.

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The Balinese production, because Caliban's face is hairy and he has clawlike hands

In the tempest what is calibans mothers name?

Caliban's mothers name is Sycorax

Does caliban dislike Miranda in the Tempest?

No, caliban does not dislike miranda, in the tempest. He believes that she is beautiful as she is the only woman he has ever seen except his mother. Miranda dislikes him though as he tried to violate her honour when she was just a child.

Which Character in Shakespeare's Tempest is referred to as the foolish monster?

I think you mean Caliban

In which Shakespeare classic is there a slave called Caliban and a spirit with the name Ariel?

The Tempest

What is the relationship between prospero and caliban?

Caliban and Prospero hate each other because Caliban tried to sexually assault Miranda. Caliban has been taught how to speak and Caliban insulted his learned gift by just using it to insult Prospero and Miranda.